1. 热爱足球的巴西修女成为世界上最年长的在世者,年近 117 岁 - Euronews Football-loving Brazilian nun becomes world’s oldest living person at nearly 117 (news.google.com)
2. 特朗普提出使用军事或经济力量夺取格陵兰岛和巴拿马运河 - The New York Times Trump Raises Using Military or Economic Force to Take Greenland and the Panama Canal (news.google.com)
3. 特朗普警告说,如果加沙人质在其就职典礼前未获释,"一切都将爆发 - CNBC Trump warns ''all hell will break out'' if Gaza hostages not released by his inauguration (news.google.com)
4. 他们将成为医生。相反,他们不得不躲避炸弹,逃离战争 - NPR They were going to be doctors. Instead, they had to dodge bombs and flee war (news.google.com)
5. 事实核查:特朗普就 1 月 6 日、欧洲、北约和加拿大发表错误言论 - CNN Fact check: Trump makes false claims about January 6, Europe, NATO and Canada (news.google.com)
6. 特朗普最后期限临近,哈马斯坚持要求根据人质协议结束加沙战争 - Reuters Hamas stands by demand for end to Gaza war under hostage deal, as Trump deadline nears (news.google.com)
7. 来自贾巴利亚的哈勒维哈马斯不理解释放人质的必要性,我们就不会罢休 - The Jerusalem Post Halevi from Jabalya: We won''t stop until Hamas understands the need to free the hostages (news.google.com)
8. 埃隆-马斯克帮助特朗普获胜,现在又把目光投向了欧洲。那里的许多政治家都感到震惊 - PBS NewsHour Elon Musk helped Trump win and is now looking at Europe. Many politicians there are alarmed (news.google.com)
10. 西藏珠穆朗玛峰附近地区发生强烈地震,造成数十人死亡 - NPR Strong earthquake kills dozens in region of Tibet near Mount Everest (news.google.com)
11. 阿塞拜疆领导人指责俄罗斯 "掩盖 "客机坠毁事件,对邻国进行猛烈抨击 - Yahoo! Voices Azerbaijan’s leader accuses Russia of passenger jet crash ‘cover up’ in blistering new attack on neighbor (news.google.com)
12. 委员会敦促以色列加强攻势,增加军费开支 - The Wall Street Journal Israel Needs to Go on the Offensive, Boost Military Spending, Commission Urges (news.google.com)
13. 丹麦首相在特朗普发表言论后表示格陵兰岛非卖品 - Axios Denmark prime minister says Greenland not for sale after Trump remark (news.google.com)
14. 俄罗斯海军陆战队一个旅的总部遍布库尔斯克。两周内,乌克兰两次将其炸毁。 - Forbes A Russian Marine Corps Brigade Has Headquarters All Over Kursk. Twice In Two Weeks, Ukraine Blew Them Up. (news.google.com)
16. 瑞典海军打捞涉嫌破坏波罗的海电缆的油轮船锚 - The Moscow Times Swedish Navy Recovers Anchor of Tanker Suspected of Baltic Sea Cable Damage (news.google.com)
17. 中东最新消息:以色列袭击造成加沙帐篷营地 5 名儿童死亡 - The Associated Press Middle East latest: Israeli strike kills 5 kids in a Gaza tent camp (news.google.com)
18. 唐纳德-特朗普呼吁美国购买格陵兰岛后,丹麦首相表示格陵兰岛 "非卖品 - Financial Times Greenland ‘not for sale’, says Danish PM after Donald Trump call for US to buy it (news.google.com)
19. 特朗普在喋喋不休的演讲中难以理解家电产品 - Yahoo! Voices Trump Struggles to Understand Appliances in Bizarre, Rambling Speech (news.google.com)
20. 戈登-布朗埃隆-马斯克诱拐儿童团伙的说法毫无根据 - BBC.com Gordon Brown: No foundation to Elon Musk child grooming gang claims (news.google.com)
21. 叙利亚欢迎阿萨德被推翻后的首架国际航班 《沙巴日报 - Daily Sabah Syria welcomes 1st international flight after Assad overthrow Daily Sabah (news.google.com)
22. 就职典礼前两周,特朗普因人质事件警告 "地狱",并讽刺拜登 - Ynetnews Two weeks before inauguration, Trump warns of ‘hell’ over hostages, takes jab at Biden (news.google.com)
24. 爱尔兰加入南非对以色列的种族灭绝诉讼案 - The New York Times Ireland Joins South Africa’s Genocide Case Against Israel (news.google.com)
25. 特朗普声称将把墨西哥湾更名为 "美国湾 - ABC News Trump claims he''ll rename the Gulf of Mexico to ''Gulf of America'' (news.google.com)
26. 报道:乌克兰在库尔斯克地区再次发动攻势,并取得进展 - The Moscow Times Ukraine Advances in Kursk Region Amid Renewed Offensive – Reports (news.google.com)
27. 特朗普在影响广泛的新闻发布会上提出为墨西哥湾重新命名、查封巴拿马等建议 - Axios Trump floats renaming Gulf of Mexico, seizing Panama in wide-reaching presser (news.google.com)
28. 法国极右翼政党之父让-马里-勒庞逝世,享年 96 岁 - The Washington Post Jean-Marie Le Pen, father of far-right party in France, dies at 96 (news.google.com)
29. 丹麦新盾形纹章挑战特朗普的格陵兰希望 - Newsmax Denmark''s New Coat of Arms Defies Trump''s Greenland Hope (news.google.com)
30. 台湾海岸巡防署指责中国船只切断海底通信电缆 - The War Zone Taiwan Coast Guard Blames Chinese-Owned Ship For Cutting Undersea Communications Cable (news.google.com)
31. 阿萨德下台后首架国际商业航班降落在叙利亚主要机场 - The Associated Press First international commercial flight since Assad’s ouster lands at Syria’s main airport (news.google.com)
32. 马克龙称非洲人未对法国军援说 "谢谢 "引发愤怒 - CNN Macron’s claim that Africans failed to say ‘thank you’ for French military aid sparks outrage (news.google.com)
33. 埃隆-马斯克的政治手榴弹激怒了欧洲领导人 - Business Insider Elon Musk is infuriating European leaders with his political grenades (news.google.com)
34. 沙特阿拉伯迫使佛罗里达州男子因发表批评性推文而放弃美国公民身份(家属称 - The Associated Press Saudi Arabia presses Florida man to give up US citizenship over critical tweets, family says (news.google.com)
36. 以色列 3 天内轰炸加沙 100 多次,造成数十名巴勒斯坦人死亡 - Democracy Now! Israel Bombs Gaza Over 100 Times in 3 Days, Killing Scores of Palestinians (news.google.com)
37. 埃隆-马斯克帮助特朗普获胜。现在,他把目光投向了欧洲,许多政客对此感到震惊 - The Associated Press Elon Musk helped Trump win. Now he''s looking at Europe, and many politicians are alarmed (news.google.com)
38. 美国在未经指控的情况下将 11 名关塔那摩被拘留者转移到也门,时间已过去二十多年 - NBC News U.S. transfers 11 Guantanamo detainees to Yemen after more than two decades without charge (news.google.com)
39. 沙特阿拉伯迫使佛罗里达州男子因发表批评性推文而放弃美国公民身份(家属称 - Yahoo! Voices Saudi Arabia presses Florida man to give up US citizenship over critical tweets, family says (news.google.com)
40. 芬兰 Elisa 公司称波罗的海海底电缆被外力撕裂 - Reuters Finland''s Elisa says Baltic undersea cables were torn apart by external force (news.google.com)
41. 荷兰的一个项目公布了 50 万名涉嫌与纳粹合作者的姓名 - NPR A Dutch project publicizes the names of half a million suspected Nazi collaborators (news.google.com)
42. 西藏发生致命地震,尼泊尔和印度有震感 - DW (English) Deadly earthquake hits Tibet, tremors felt in Nepal, India (news.google.com)
43. 韩国交通部长因济州空难辞职 - One Mile at a Time South Korea Transport Minister Resigns Over Jeju Air Crash (news.google.com)
44. 以色列政府小组称,土耳其支持的叙利亚可能是比伊朗更大的威胁 - Middle East Eye Turkey-backed Syria may be bigger threat than Iran, says Israeli government panel (news.google.com)
45. 埃隆-马斯克所关注的英国 "新郎帮 "丑闻是怎么回事? - The New York Times What Is the U.K. ‘Grooming Gang’ Scandal Seized On by Elon Musk? (news.google.com)
46. 法国极右翼民族阵线党创始人让-玛丽-勒庞逝世,享年 96 岁 - CNN Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of France’s far-right National Front party, dies at 96 (news.google.com)
47. 联合国称伊朗在 2024 年处决了 900 多人,其中包括数十名妇女 - Reuters UN says Iran executed over 900 people in 2024, including dozens of women (news.google.com)
48. 中国国家媒体称西藏地震造成 100 多人死亡,许多人可能被困 - CBS News Earthquake in Tibet kills over 100 people, China''s state media say, with many others feared trapped (news.google.com)
49. 三名以色列人在约旦河西岸枪击案中丧生,追捕行动正在进行中 - The Washington Post Manhunt underway after three Israelis are killed in West Bank shooting (news.google.com)
50. 罗马帝国的空气污染可能降低了欧洲人的智商 - ScienceAlert Roman Empire''s Air Pollution May Have Lowered The IQ of Europe (news.google.com)
51. 研究发现,罗马帝国使用铅降低了整个欧洲的智商水平 - The Guardian Roman Empire’s use of lead lowered IQ levels across Europe, study finds (news.google.com)
54. 阿萨姆邦:印度救援人员争分夺秒拯救被困在水淹老鼠洞矿井中的人员 - BBC.com Assam: India rescuers race to save men stuck in flooded rat-hole mine (news.google.com)
55. 历史性的第一次教皇方济各任命女性为梵蒂冈管理委员会主席 - America: The Jesuit Review Historic first: Pope Francis appoints woman as prefect of Vatican dicastery (news.google.com)
56. 中国流感样病毒病例激增。欧洲是否应该担心? - POLITICO Europe Cases of flu-like virus are soaring in China. Should Europe worry? (news.google.com)
57. 约旦河西岸发生恐怖枪击事件,三人死亡,八人受伤;以色列国防军正在追捕袭击者 - Haaretz Three killed, eight wounded in terror shooting in West Bank; IDF pursuing assailants (news.google.com)
58. 2025 个旅行目的地:今年值得一去的 52 个地方 - The New York Times 2025 Travel Destinations: 52 Places to Go This Year (news.google.com)
59. 我的尖叫声会传到天堂":叙利亚人讲述阿萨德统治下的酷刑 - The Times of Israel ‘My screams would go to heaven’: Syrians speak out about torture under Assad (news.google.com)
60. 前法国领导人萨科齐因涉嫌资助卡扎菲而受审:所有须知 - Al Jazeera English Ex-French leader Sarkozy on trial over alleged Gaddafi funds: All to know (news.google.com)
61. 法国极右翼狂热领袖让-玛丽-勒庞逝世,享年 96 岁 - The New York Times Jean-Marie Le Pen, Rabble-Rousing Leader of French Far Right, Dies at 96 (news.google.com)
62. 金正恩称朝鲜发射高超音速导弹向 "对手 "发出信息 - ABC News North Korea fired hypersonic missile in message to ''rivals,'' Kim Jong Un says (news.google.com)
63. 德国和意大利通过乌克兰替代俄罗斯天然气 - OilPrice.com Germany And Italy Have Replaced Russian Gas Via Ukraine (news.google.com)
64. 法国极右翼领导人让-玛丽-勒庞逝世,享年 96 岁 - The Associated Press Jean-Marie Le Pen, French far-right leader, dies at 96 (news.google.com)
65. 挪威首相称埃隆-马斯克插手欧洲政治 "令人担忧 - POLITICO Europe Elon Musk’s European political meddling is ‘worrying,’ says Norway’s PM (news.google.com)
66. 讣告法国极右翼创始人让-玛丽-勒庞 - BBC.com Obituary: Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of French far right (news.google.com)
67. 关于偏肺病毒的知识--您从未听说过的呼吸道传染病,今年春季骤增 - Fortune What to know about metapneumovirus—the respiratory infection you''ve never heard of that spiked this spring (news.google.com)
68. 欧盟委员会将把马斯克对德国 AfD 的采访加入正在进行的调查中 - Euronews EU Commission to add Musk’s German AfD interview to ongoing probe (news.google.com)
69. 台湾称怀疑一艘与中国有联系的船只破坏了海底互联网电缆 - The New York Times Taiwan Says It Suspects a Chinese-Linked Ship Damaged an Undersea Internet Cable (news.google.com)
70. 在深受喜爱的黎巴嫩市场,"破坏是痛苦的 - The New York Times At a Beloved Lebanese Market, the ‘Destruction Is Painful’ (news.google.com)
71. 在叙利亚库奈特拉,人们对以色列没有采取行动结束入侵感到沮丧 - The Times of Israel In Syria’s Quneitra, frustration at lack of action to end Israeli incursion (news.google.com)
72. 挪威首相对马斯克参与美国以外的国内政治感到担忧 - The Jerusalem Post Norway PM worried by Musk involvement in domestic politics outside of US (news.google.com)
73. 警方称,西班牙妇女在泰国为大象洗澡时被大象咬死 - CNN Spanish woman killed by elephant in Thailand while bathing animal, police say (news.google.com)
74. 韩国总统府外的围攻事件须知 - WJW FOX 8 News Cleveland What to know about the siege outside South Korea’s presidential compound (news.google.com)
75. 英国领导人斯塔默在受到埃隆-马斯克的攻击后抨击 "谎言和错误信息 - NPR U.K. leader Starmer slams ''lies and misinformation'' after attacks from Elon Musk (news.google.com)
76. 欧洲无法填补美国在乌克兰防务中留下的空白 - Kyiv Independent Europe cannot fill void left by US in Ukraine’s defense (news.google.com)
77. 奥地利可能产生一位极右翼总理。了解详情。 - The New York Times Austria Could Get a Far-Right Chancellor. Here’s What to Know. (news.google.com)
78. 哈萨克斯坦收到阿塞拜疆航空公司黑匣子失事数据 - DW (English) Kazakhstan receives Azerbaijan Airlines black box crash data (news.google.com)
79. 据中国媒体报道,西藏圣城附近发生 6.8 级地震,造成至少 95 人死亡,数十人受伤 - ABC News At least 95 dead, scores injured in 6.8 magnitude earthquake near holy city in Tibet, Chinese media reports (news.google.com)
80. 查理周刊》出版特刊纪念枪击事件十年 - BBC.com Charlie Hebdo marks decade since gun attack with special issue (news.google.com)
81. 埃隆-马斯克的最新痴迷程度连奈杰尔-法拉奇都望尘莫及 - Yahoo! Voices Elon Musk’s Latest Obsession Has Gone Too Far for Even Nigel Farage (news.google.com)
82. 欧盟致亲俄的摩尔多瓦分离主义分子:接受天然气 - POLITICO Europe EU to pro-Russian Moldovan separatists: Just take the gas (news.google.com)
83. 中国西藏靠近尼泊尔边境地区发生 7.1 级地震 - The New York Times 7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes China’s Tibet Region Near Nepal Border (news.google.com)
84. 报纸头条:斯塔默抨击马斯克",加拿大 "特鲁多辞职 - BBC.com Newspaper headlines: ''Starmer blasts Musk'' and Canada''s ''Trudeau quits'' (news.google.com)
85. 美国将 11 名也门囚犯从关塔那摩转移到阿曼 - The Washington Post U.S. transfers 11 Yemeni prisoners from Guantánamo to Oman (news.google.com)
86. 埃隆-马斯克正在搅动欧洲政坛 - The Wall Street Journal Elon Musk Is Roiling European Politics (news.google.com)
87. 在中国,什么是 HMPV 病毒?人类偏肺病毒及其症状解析。 - CBS News What is the HMPV virus in China? The human metapneumovirus and its symptoms, explained. (news.google.com)
88. 委内瑞拉即将举行的总统就职典礼须知 - The Associated Press What to know about Venezuela’s upcoming presidential inauguration (news.google.com)
89. 印度尼西亚被接纳为金砖五国发展中国家集团成员 - The Associated Press Indonesia is admitted to the BRICS bloc of developing nations (news.google.com)
90. 调查人员收到在哈萨克斯坦坠毁飞机的黑匣子数据 - The Guardian Investigators receive black box data from plane that crashed in Kazakhstan (news.google.com)
92. 马斯克批评英国政坛后,强奸儿童的丑闻占据主导地位 - Reuters UK The child rape scandal dominating UK politics after Musk criticism (news.google.com)
93. 国营媒体称朝鲜成功试射新型中程导弹 - Reuters North Korea successfully tests new intermediate-range missile, state media says (news.google.com)
94. 我们对在中国传播的病毒 HMPV 的了解 - The New York Times What We Know About HMPV, the Virus Spreading in China (news.google.com)
95. 乌克兰泽连斯基称库尔斯克地区有近 15000 名俄罗斯人丧生 - Yahoo! Voices Ukraine''s Zelenskiy says nearly 15,000 Russians have been killed in Kursk region (news.google.com)
96. 西藏偏远地区发生强烈地震,九人丧生 - CNN Nine people killed as powerful earthquake rocks remote region of Tibet (news.google.com)
97. 什么是人乳头瘤病毒?随着中国和美国病例的增加,我们需要了解什么是人乳头瘤病毒 - USA TODAY What is HMPV? What to know about the virus as cases tick up in China and the US (news.google.com)
98. 我们不希望这里没有犹太复国主义者反以色列活动人士抗议纽约市医院 - The Times of Israel ‘We don’t want no Zionists here’: Anti-Israel activists protest against NYC hospital (news.google.com)
99. 教皇方济各任命首位女性担任梵蒂冈主要机构负责人 - ABC News Pope Francis has named the first woman to head a major Vatican office (news.google.com)
100. 中国西藏靠近尼泊尔边境地区发生强烈地震 - The Associated Press Strong earthquake strikes in China’s Tibet region near border with Nepal (news.google.com)
101. 研究发现:古罗马的铅污染可能导致平均智商下降 - NBC News Lead pollution in ancient Rome may have dropped average IQ, study finds (news.google.com)
102. 专家称,自俄罗斯南部附近发生漏油事件以来,已有 32 条海豚死亡 - NPR 32 dolphins have died since an oil spill near southern Russia, experts say (news.google.com)
103. 从本周起,来自数十个国家的英国游客必须支付新的入境费 - CNBC UK visitors from dozens of countries will have to pay a new entry fee starting this week (news.google.com)
104. 杰宁杰宁:年轻妇女被杀事件凸显约旦河西岸的权力斗争 - BBC.com Jenin: Young woman''s killing throws spotlight on West Bank power struggle (news.google.com)
105. 斯洛伐克称取消与乌克兰和欧盟委员会的天然气供应会议 - Reuters Slovakia says gas supply meeting with Ukraine, European Commission cancelled (news.google.com)
107. 伊朗机遇:美国需要做些什么才能实现突破 - Foreign Affairs Magazine The Iran Opportunity: What America Needs to Do to Achieve a Breakthrough (news.google.com)
109. 一辆乌克兰斯特瑞克战车的乘员将车辆变成了武器--至少碾压了一名无辜的俄罗斯人 - Forbes The Crew Of A Ukrainian Stryker Turned The Vehicle Into A Weapon—And Ran Over At Least One Hapless Russian (news.google.com)
110. 泽伦斯基押宝库尔斯克:用 "非对称 "战争说服特朗普 - Worldcrunch Zelensky''s Bet On Kursk: "Asymmetric" Warfare To Convince Trump (news.google.com)
111. 马克龙警告伊朗核项目接近不归点 - Bloomberg Macron Warns Iran’s Nuclear Program Close to Point of No Return (news.google.com)
112. 教皇任命首位女性为梵蒂冈办公厅主任 - The Pillar Pope names first female prefect of Vatican dicastery (news.google.com)
113. 印度尼西亚正式成为金砖国家集团正式成员 - DW (English) Indonesia officially becomes full member of BRICS bloc (news.google.com)
115. 关塔那摩湾的 11 名也门被拘留者被转移到阿曼 - CNN 11 Yemeni detainees at Guantanamo Bay transferred to Oman (news.google.com)
116. 埃隆-马斯克和他的传声筒 X 震动英国政坛 - The New York Times Elon Musk and His Megaphone, X, Rattle British Politics (news.google.com)
117. 22 岁游客在泰国保护区被大象咬死 - The Daily Beast 22-Year-Old Tourist Gored to Death by Elephant at Thailand Sanctuary (news.google.com)
118. 韩国和美国民主自残的教训 - NPR Lessons from self-inflicted blows to democracy in South Korea and the U.S. (news.google.com)
119. 西藏发生 7.1 级强烈地震,尼泊尔各地均有震感 - BNO News Powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake hits Tibet, felt across Nepal (news.google.com)
120. 要求加拿大总统特鲁多辞职的压力与日俱增 - The Wall Street Journal Pressure Grows on Canada’s Trudeau to Resign (news.google.com)
121. 美国在未经指控的情况下将 11 名关塔那摩被拘留者移交给阿曼长达二十多年之久 - POLITICO US transfers 11 Guantanamo detainees to Oman after more than 2 decades without charge (news.google.com)
122. 贾斯汀-特鲁多将辞去加拿大总理职务 - The New York Times Justin Trudeau to Resign as Canada’s Prime Minister (news.google.com)
123. 马克龙、英国施塔默和其他欧洲领导人抨击埃隆-马斯克 - NBC News Macron, UK''s Starmer, other European leaders swipe at Elon Musk (news.google.com)
124. 教皇任命修女领导梵蒂冈部门 - The New York Times Pope Appoints Nun to Lead Vatican Department (news.google.com)
125. 对中国 HMPV 病例的过度担忧反映了流行病的伤疤 - The Washington Post Overblown fears of HMPV cases in China reflect pandemic scars (news.google.com)
126. 埃尔多安称若叙利亚分裂土耳其随时准备干预 - POLITICO Europe Erdoğan says Turkey ready to intervene if Syria splits (news.google.com)
127. 克里米亚发生石油泄漏,官方宣布进入紧急状态 - OilPrice.com Officials Declare Emergency As Oil Spill Reaches Crimea (news.google.com)
128. 历史学家小组投票谴责加沙的 "亵渎学术 "行为 - The New York Times Historians’ Group Votes to Condemn ‘Scholasticide’ in Gaza (news.google.com)
129. 总统拒捕,韩国民主力量经受考验 - The Washington Post Strength of South Korea democracy tested as president defies arrest (news.google.com)
130. 南加州怀孕教师在希腊度假时坠楼身亡 - KTLA Los Angeles Pregnant Southern California teacher on holiday in Greece falls to her death (news.google.com)
132. 奥地利总统责成奥地利人民党基克尔组建新政府 - Euronews Austria’s president tasks FPÖ''s Kickl with forming new government (news.google.com)
134. 土耳其称将 "消灭 "叙利亚境内由库尔德人领导的武装组织 - Al Jazeera English Turkiye says Kurdish-led armed groups in Syria will be ‘eliminated’ (news.google.com)
135. 坎特伯雷大主教因处理虐待丑闻失败而辞职,任期结束 - The Associated Press Archbishop of Canterbury''s tenure ends after resigning over failures in handling abuse scandal (news.google.com)
136. 丹麦国王因格陵兰问题与特朗普发生争执而更换盾徽 - The Guardian Danish king changes coat of arms amid row with Trump over Greenland (news.google.com)
137. 哈马斯和以色列正在就释放 34 名加沙人质进行谈判 - NPR Hamas and Israel are negotiating the release of 34 hostages from Gaza (news.google.com)
138. 铅中毒可能使古罗马人智力稍逊一筹 - The New York Times Lead Poisoning May Have Made Ancient Romans a Bit Less Intelligent (news.google.com)
139. 特朗普白宫内部:主要办公室之一有了新主人 - CBS News Inside Trump''s White House: a new occupant in one of the prime offices (news.google.com)
140. 报告:以色列认为特朗普将支持以色列国防军打击伊朗核计划,或下令美国打击伊朗核计划 - The Times of Israel Report: Israel thinks Trump will back IDF strike on Iran nuke program or order US hit (news.google.com)
141. 冬季风暴期间气温骤降,西弗吉尼亚州和肯塔基州数千人停电 - WCHS Thousands without power in West Virginia, Ky. as temperatures plummet during winter storm (news.google.com)
142. 一种呼吸道病毒正在中国蔓延。为什么它不是新的 COVID-19? - Business Insider A respiratory virus is spreading in China. Here''s why it''s not the new COVID-19. (news.google.com)
143. 尼古拉-萨科齐因涉嫌资助卡扎菲选举受审 - BBC.com Nicolas Sarkozy goes on trial over alleged Gaddafi election funding (news.google.com)
144. 不握手让我们了解叙利亚的新统治者 - POLITICO Europe What a non-handshake tells us about Syria’s new ruler (news.google.com)
145. 埃隆-马斯克痛骂称其为假新闻机器的学生 - The Daily Beast Elon Musk Cusses Out Student Who Called Him a Fake News Machine (news.google.com)
146. 巴西表示,印尼作为正式成员加入金砖国家集团 - Reuters Indonesia joins BRICS bloc as full member, Brazil says (news.google.com)
147. 查理周刊袭击十年后杂志发行特刊 - BBC.com Charlie Hebdo: Magazine releases special issue decade after attack (news.google.com)
148. 阿塞拜疆总统就致命空难向普京施压 - POLITICO Europe Azerbaijan president ramps up pressure on Putin over deadly plane crash (news.google.com)
149. 世界上最年长的 116 岁日本妇女去世了 - Medpage Today Japanese Woman Who Was the World''s Oldest Person at 116 Has Died (news.google.com)
150. 马克龙称乌克兰在领土问题上需要 "现实 - POLITICO Europe Macron says Ukraine needs to be ‘realistic’ on territorial issues (news.google.com)
151. 观看:伊朗妇女在头巾事件后抓起教士的头巾缠在头上 - Yahoo! Voices Watch: Iranian woman grabs cleric’s turban and wraps it round her head after hijab comments (news.google.com)
152. 教皇方济各任命史上首位女性担任梵蒂冈管理机构负责人 - Catholic News Agency Pope Francis appoints first-ever woman to head Vatican dicastery (news.google.com)
153. 中国船只明显破坏性地切断台湾互联网电缆 - The Wall Street Journal Chinese Vessel Cuts Taiwan Internet Cable in Apparent Sabotage (news.google.com)
154. 摩尔多瓦与俄罗斯关系紧张,德涅斯特河左岸担心电力供应崩溃 - The Moscow Times Tensions Rise Between Moldova and Russia as Transnistria Fears Electricity Collapse (news.google.com)
155. 美国称黎巴嫩军队难以维持停火,以色列国防军准备长期驻扎 - Haaretz U.S. Says Lebanese Army Struggling to Uphold Cease-fire, IDF Readies for Longer Stay (news.google.com)
156. 与恐怖组织有联系的组织正试图在世界各地逮捕以色列国防军士兵 - Jewish Insider Organization with terror ties is trying to get IDF soldiers arrested around the world (news.google.com)
157. 乌克兰在俄罗斯库尔斯克地区发起新攻势,基辅和莫斯科确认 - ABC News Ukraine launches new offensive in Russia''s Kursk region, Kyiv and Moscow confirm (news.google.com)
158. 紧张 "的大象在泰国杀死西班牙游客 - BBC.com ''Stressed'' elephant kills Spanish tourist in Thailand (news.google.com)
159. 他们是两个冷酷的家伙女子拍摄她所说的在健身房骚扰她的男子。结果适得其反 - The Daily Dot ‘They’re 2 chill guys’: Woman films man she says was harassing her at the gym. It backfires (news.google.com)
160. 美国心理学会大会与会者反对加沙的 "杀戮学童 "行为 - Inside Higher Ed AHA convention attendees oppose "scholasticide" in Gaza (news.google.com)
161. 埃隆-马斯克为什么要就诱拐丑闻攻击基尔-斯塔默? - The Guardian Why is Elon Musk attacking Keir Starmer over the grooming scandal? (news.google.com)
162. 美国将 11 名关塔那摩囚犯送往阿曼开始新生活 - The New York Times U.S. Sends 11 Guantánamo Prisoners to Oman to Start New Lives (news.google.com)
163. 埃马纽埃尔-马克龙加入欧洲对埃隆-马斯克越来越多的批评行列 - The Guardian Emmanuel Macron joins growing criticism of Elon Musk in Europe (news.google.com)
164. 随着中国病例的增加,您需要了解的有关 HMPV 的知识 - ABC News What you need to know about HMPV as China sees rise in cases (news.google.com)
165. 华盛顿特区、马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州冬季风暴警告 - The Weather Channel Winter Storm Warnings For D.C., Maryland, Virginia (news.google.com)
166. 埃隆-马斯克痛骂称其为假新闻机器的学生 - Yahoo! Voices Elon Musk Cusses Out Student Who Called Him a Fake News Machine (news.google.com)
167. 巴西砒霜圣诞蛋糕致 3 名家庭成员死亡,女子被捕 - CBS News Woman arrested after arsenic-laced Christmas cake kills 3 family members in Brazil (news.google.com)
169. 真主党仍在威胁以色列,准备在黎巴嫩展开自己的政治斗争 - Haaretz Still Threatening Israel, Hezbollah Braces for Its Own Political Struggle in Lebanon (news.google.com)
170. 巴西圣诞蛋糕中毒事件造成三名妇女死亡,亲属被捕 - CNN Relative arrested following death of three women in Brazil Christmas cake poisoning (news.google.com)
171. 委内瑞拉反对派领导人声称击败马杜罗,将在白宫会见拜登 - Yahoo! Voices Venezuelan opposition leader who claims to have defeated Maduro to meet Biden at White House (news.google.com)
173. 委内瑞拉持不同政见者在躲藏、流亡或坐牢数月后谋划卷土重来 - The Wall Street Journal Venezuela’s Dissidents Plot Comeback After Months in Hiding, Exile or Jail (news.google.com)
174. 奥地利极右翼获得授权,二战后首次尝试领导政府 - The Associated Press Austrian far right gets mandate to try to lead a government for the first time since World War II (news.google.com)
175. 冬季致命风暴导致数十万人停电,大雪肆虐东部地区 - The Washington Post Deadly winter storm leaves hundreds of thousands without power as heavy snow treks east (news.google.com)
176. 战争第 456 天:关注埃及军事集结,拉法地道被摧毁 - Anash.org - Good News War Day 456: Concern for Egypt’s Military Buildup, Rafah Tunnels Destroyed - Anash.org (news.google.com)
177. 实时更新:加拿大总理特鲁多辞去自由党领袖职务 - The Associated Press Live updates: Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau resigns as Liberal Party leader (news.google.com)
178. 印度尼西亚启动首个儿童和孕妇免费膳食计划 - Al Jazeera English Indonesia kicks off first free meal programme for children, pregnant women (news.google.com)
179. 英国冰雪天气造成出行混乱和学校停课,发布新的天气警告 - The Guardian New weather warnings as snow and ice cause travel havoc and school closures in UK (news.google.com)
180. 韩国反腐机构要求警方逮捕被弹劾总统尹炳世 - ABC News South Korean anti-corruption agency asks police to arrest impeached President Yoon (news.google.com)
181. 现场简报:枪手在约旦河西岸杀害三人,以色列承诺予以重罚 - The Washington Post Live briefing: Israel pledges heavy punishment after gunmen kill three in West Bank (news.google.com)
182. 加拿大总理贾斯汀-特鲁多辞去自由党领袖职务 - CNBC Canada''s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau resigns as Liberal Party leader (news.google.com)
183. 教皇方济各任命首位女性担任梵蒂冈主要机构负责人 - The Associated Press Pope Francis has named the first woman to head a major Vatican office (news.google.com)
184. 日本称朝鲜发射疑似弹道导弹 - Bloomberg North Korea Launches Suspected Ballistic Missile, Japan Says (news.google.com)
185. 加拿大总理贾斯汀-特鲁多将在辞职猜测中召开新闻发布会 - BBC.com Canada''s PM Justin Trudeau to hold news conference amid resignation speculation (news.google.com)
186. 马克龙称马斯克在支持 "新的国际反动运动 - POLITICO Europe Macron says Musk is backing a ‘new international reactionary movement’ (news.google.com)
187. 法国前总统萨科齐因涉嫌利比亚卡扎菲资助竞选活动而受审 - The Associated Press France''s former President Sarkozy stands trial over alleged campaign funding by Libya''s Gadhafi (news.google.com)
188. 意大利右翼领导人梅洛尼将自己定位为特朗普在欧洲的盟友 - CNBC Italy’s right-wing leader Meloni positions herself as Trump''s ally in Europe (news.google.com)
189. 埃隆-马斯克遭攻击后,英国人斯塔默抨击 "谎言和误导 - The New York Times U.K.’s Starmer Slams ‘Lies and Misinformation’ After Elon Musk Attacks (news.google.com)
190. 英国领导人回击埃隆-马斯克在处理儿童性虐待丑闻上的 "谎言 - CNN UK leader hits back at Elon Musk’s ‘lies’ over handling of child sex abuse scandal (news.google.com)
191. 布林肯:俄罗斯将向朝鲜提供先进的太空技术 - POLITICO Europe Russia will send advanced space tech to North Korea, Blinken says (news.google.com)
192. 朝鲜的新导弹试验表明其对与特朗普的缓和关系兴趣不大 - The Wall Street Journal North Korea’s New Missile Test Signals Little Appetite for Détente With Trump (news.google.com)
193. 早在济州空难之前,韩国就崛起为安全典范 - The New York Times Long Before Jeju Air Crash, South Korea Rose to Be a Model of Safety (news.google.com)
194. 泽连斯基讲述卢卡申科如何在战争初期向他道歉 - Ukrinform Zelensky told how Lukashenko apologized to him in first days of war (news.google.com)
195. 报道称加拿大总统特鲁多将在未来几天宣布辞职 - The Japan Times Canada''s Trudeau expected to announce resignation in coming days: report (news.google.com)
196. 极右翼赫伯特-基克尔获得在奥地利组建政府的机会 - POLITICO Europe Far-right Herbert Kickl gets his chance to form government in Austria (news.google.com)
197. 三名以色列人在约旦河西岸巴勒斯坦人枪击事件中丧生 - BBC.com Three Israelis killed in Palestinian shooting attack in West Bank (news.google.com)
198. 布林肯警告俄罗斯即将与朝鲜共享先进卫星技术 - Yahoo! Voices Blinken warns Russia is close to sharing advanced satellite technology with North Korea (news.google.com)
199. 英国首相基尔-斯塔默回击埃隆-马斯克的 "谎言与误导" - Deadline UK PM Keir Starmer Hits Back At Elon Musk Over “Lies & Misinformation” (news.google.com)
200. 贾斯汀-特鲁多可能辞职清醒政治王储是如何失势的? - The Times of India Justin Trudeau likely to resign: How the Crown Prince of Woke Politics lost his ground (news.google.com)
201. 班加罗尔 8 个月大婴儿检测出 HMPV 阳性... - Greatandhra 8-Month-Old In Bengaluru Tests HMPV Positive.. (news.google.com)
202. 专家称,自俄罗斯南部附近发生漏油事件以来,已有 30 多条海豚死亡 - Yahoo! Voices More than 30 dolphins have died since an oil spill near southern Russia, experts say (news.google.com)
203. 鲁保罗 "变装大赛 "英国赛区冠军薇薇安去世,享年 32 岁:"伤心欲绝,痛不欲生 - USA TODAY The Vivienne, RuPaul Drag Race UK winner, dies at 32: ''Heartbroken and devastated'' (news.google.com)
204. 加沙协议第一阶段将释放 34 名人质;以色列否认取得进展 - The Times of Israel Leaked list names 34 hostages to be freed in 1st stage of Gaza deal; Israel denies progress (news.google.com)
206. 韩国总统府外的围攻事件须知 - The Associated Press What to know about the siege outside South Korea’s presidential compound (news.google.com)
207. 加拿大总理特鲁多因民调骤降将辞去党魁职务 - CNN Canadian PM Trudeau set to resign as party leader as polls plummet, reports say (news.google.com)
208. 肯尼亚警方如何掩盖杀害反政府抗议者的事实 - Reuters How Kenya police hid killings of anti-government protesters (news.google.com)
209. 乌克兰天然气管道关闭后普京还有其他选择 - Bloomberg Putin Has Options for Russia’s Gas After Ukraine Route Closed (news.google.com)
210. 出售绿宝石:塔利班从地下着手振兴经济 - The New York Times Emeralds for Sale: The Taliban Look Below Ground to Revive the Economy (news.google.com)
211. RuPaul''s Drag Race 和 BBC 在薇薇安去世后发表声明 - PinkNews RuPaul’s Drag Race and the BBC issue statements following The Vivienne’s death (news.google.com)
212. 专家称,自俄罗斯南部附近发生漏油事件以来,已有 30 多条海豚死亡 - ABC News More than 30 dolphins have died since an oil spill near southern Russia, experts say (news.google.com)
214. 西岸恐怖枪击事件造成 3 名以色列人死亡,8 人受伤;以色列国防军正在追捕枪手 - The Times of Israel 3 Israelis killed, 8 wounded in West Bank terror shooting; IDF hunting for gunmen (news.google.com)
215. 被俘以色列士兵家属称 "无法辨认 - Yahoo! Voices Captured Israeli soldier ‘unrecognisable’, says family (news.google.com)
216. 据报道,加拿大总理贾斯汀-特鲁多将于本周辞职--了解详情 - Forbes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Reportedly Set To Resign This Week—Here’s What To Know (news.google.com)
217. 朝鲜发射两个月来首枚弹道导弹 - 首尔 - BBC.com North Korea fires first ballistic missile in two months - Seoul (news.google.com)
218. 盖尔-加朵向 1.08 亿粉丝分享人质莉莉-阿尔巴格的照片 - The Jerusalem Post Gal Gadot shares photo of hostage Liri Albag to 108m followers (news.google.com)
219. 被削弱的伊朗准备迎接特朗普 2.0 - The Wall Street Journal A Weakened Iran Prepares to Face Trump 2.0 (news.google.com)
220. 鲁保罗的 "变装比赛 "英国区冠军维维安去世,享年 32 岁--警方发表声明 - PinkNews RuPaul’s Drag Race UK winner The Vivienne dies aged 32 – police issue statement (news.google.com)
221. 埃隆-马斯克在对英国政府的抨击中询问美国是否应该 "解放英国人民 - CNBC Elon Musk asks if America should ''liberate the people of Britain'' in tirade against U.K. government (news.google.com)
222. 印度尼西亚启动免费膳食计划以消除发育迟缓现象 - NPR Indonesia launches free meals program to fight stunting (news.google.com)
223. 哈马斯在恢复停火谈判之际发布以色列人质利里-阿尔巴格的视频 - Yahoo! Voices Hamas releases video of Israeli hostage Liri Albag as ceasefire talks resume (news.google.com)
224. 中国爆发 HMPV疫情:这是一种新病毒吗?它与 Covid-19 有何相似之处?有疫苗吗?我们目前了解到的情况 - Mint HMPV outbreak in China: Is it a new virus? How is it similar to Covid-19? Is there any vaccine? What we know so far Mint (news.google.com)
225. 在被占领的约旦河西岸,一辆载有以色列人的巴士遭到枪击,造成 3 人死亡 - The Associated Press Shooting attack on a bus carrying Israelis in the occupied West Bank kills 3 (news.google.com)
226. 朝鲜试射中程导弹,布林肯访问首尔 - Reuters North Korea tests mid-range missile as Blinken visits Seoul (news.google.com)
227. HMPV病毒中国学校因新型人类偏肺病毒感染率上升而停课 - The Munsif Daily HMPV Virus: Schools Shut Down in China Amid Rising Infections of New Human Metapneumovirus (news.google.com)
228. 西岸凯杜米姆附近发生枪击恐怖袭击,三人丧生 - The Jerusalem Post Three killed in shooting terror attack near Kedumim in West Bank (news.google.com)
229. 英国面临大雪和洪水,出行受阻 - Reuters.com Britain faces snow and flooding as travel disrupted (news.google.com)
230. 马斯克就极右翼活动分子入狱一事向英国政客法拉奇发难 - Al Jazeera English Musk turns on UK politician Farage over jailed far-right activist (news.google.com)
231. 韩国:逮捕大限将至,尹淑烈仍顽强抵抗 - BBC.com South Korea: Yoon Suk Yeol defiant as arrest deadline looms (news.google.com)
232. 法国最高外交官 "更希望 "叙利亚领导人与德国外交官握手 - Yahoo! Voices French top diplomat ''would have preferred'' if Syrian leader shook German counterpart''s hand (news.google.com)
233. 世界最长寿者伊藤冈富美子去世;巴西修女成为世界最长寿者 - Scripps News World’s oldest person Tomiko Itooka dies; Brazilian nun now world’s oldest person (news.google.com)
235. 亚洲股市走势混乱,加元因特鲁多报告而上涨 - Reuters Shares muddled in Asia, Canadian dollar up on Trudeau reports (news.google.com)
236. Chabad Chasidim 在以色列国防军新的 Chareidi "Hahashmonaim "旅中的显著地位 - CrownHeights.info Chabad Chasidim Prominently Visible In The IDF’s New Chareidi ‘Hahashmonaim’ Brigade (news.google.com)
237. 以色列国防军袭击加沙人道主义区的哈马斯成员;PIJ 高级指挥官被打死 - The Times of Israel IDF strikes Hamas members in Gaza humanitarian zone; senior PIJ commander killed (news.google.com)
238. 塞瓦斯托波尔石油泄漏,俄罗斯任命的克里米亚官员宣布进入紧急状态 - Yahoo! Voices Russia-appointed officials in Crimea declare emergency as oil spill reaches Sevastopol (news.google.com)
239. 韩国因空难调查延长务安机场关闭时间 - Reuters South Korea extends shutdown of Muan airport due to crash probe (news.google.com)
240. 亚洲股市走势混乱,加元因特鲁多报告而上涨 - Yahoo Finance Shares muddled in Asia, Canadian dollar up on Trudeau reports (news.google.com)
241. 中国船只 "切断台湾周围的海底电缆 - Yahoo! Voices Chinese ship ‘severs undersea cables around Taiwan’ (news.google.com)
242. 据说有 12 起针对以色列国防军海外士兵的投诉,指控他们在加沙犯下战争罪行 - The Times of Israel 12 complaints said filed against IDF soldiers abroad over alleged war crimes in Gaza (news.google.com)
243. 以色列加沙战争:哈马斯列出停火后可能释放的 34 名人质名单 - BBC.com Israel Gaza war: Hamas lists 34 hostages it may free under ceasefire (news.google.com)
244. 随着 2025 年国会议员重返英国政坛,埃隆-马斯克(Elon Musk)的身影在英国政坛若隐若现 - BBC.com Elon Musk looms large over UK politics as MPs return for 2025 (news.google.com)
245. 英国《变装大赛》冠军薇薇安去世,享年 32 岁 - Vulture The Vivienne, Drag Race U.K. Winner, Dead at 32 (news.google.com)
246. 意大利右翼总理乔治亚-梅洛尼在马阿拉歌突然拜访特朗普 - Business Insider Italy''s right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni makes surprise visit to Trump at Mar-a-Lago (news.google.com)
247. 韩国反腐机构要求警方接管拘留被弹劾尹炳世的工作 - The Associated Press South Korean anti-corruption agency asks police to take over efforts to detain impeached Yoon (news.google.com)
248. 英国《鲁保罗变装大赛》冠军薇薇安去世 - The New York Times The Vivienne, Winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, Dies (news.google.com)
249. 报纸头条:马斯克转向法拉奇 "和 "北极爆炸袭击英国 - BBC.com Newspaper headlines: ''Musk turns on Farage'' and ''arctic blast hits Britain'' (news.google.com)
250. 事实核查:JD Vance 对 AfD 和纳粹的看法是错误的 - DW (English) Fact check: JD Vance is wrong about AfD, Nazis (news.google.com)
251. 22 岁西班牙游客在泰国保护区为大象洗澡时被咬死 - NDTV Spanish Tourist, 22, Gored To Death While Bathing Elephant At Thai Sanctuary (news.google.com)
252. 她收留无家可归者,帮助他们,却因此失去了家园 - Stewartville Star She takes in homeless people to help them, but loses her home because of them (news.google.com)
253. 鲁保罗的变装比赛》英国赛区首位冠军薇薇安去世,享年 32 岁 - Variety The Vivienne, First Ever Winner of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race UK’, Dies at 32 (news.google.com)
254. 意大利总理突访马阿拉歌,特朗普称赞梅洛尼 "太棒了 - FRANCE 24 English Trump hails ''fantastic'' Meloni as Italian PM makes surprise visit to Mar-a-Lago (news.google.com)
255. 以色列的红海难题:打击胡塞武装还是伊朗 - The Wall Street Journal Israel’s Red Sea Conundrum: Hit the Houthis or Iran (news.google.com)
256. 中国医院因人乳头瘤病毒患者激增而不堪重负,引发对新疫情的担忧 - The Jerusalem Post Hospitals in China overwhelmed by surge in HMPV patients raising concerns about a new epidemic (news.google.com)
257. 我们要创造历史以色列国防军新哈雷迪战斗旅首批新兵入伍 - The Jerusalem Post ''We want to make history'': First recruits enlist in new IDF haredi combat brigade (news.google.com)
258. 据说哈马斯同意释放 34 名人质的名单,但拒绝详细说明谁还活着 - The Times of Israel Hamas said to okay list of 34 hostages to be freed, but refuses to detail who’s alive (news.google.com)
259. 巴西一位热爱足球的修女以近 117 岁的高龄荣登世界最长寿者榜首 - CNN A soccer-loving nun from Brazil tops list of world’s oldest living person at nearly 117 (news.google.com)
260. 美国红衣主教在罗马开启最后一扇千禧圣门 - Catholic News Agency American cardinal opens final Jubilee holy door in Rome (news.google.com)
261. 叙利亚外长访问卡塔尔,新政府寻求地区和全球外交关系 - The Associated Press Syria''s foreign minister visits Qatar as new authorities seek regional and global diplomatic ties (news.google.com)
262. 科学家称中国的 "金属风暴 "火炮每分钟可发射 45 万发子弹 - Interesting Engineering China’s ‘metal storm’ gun fires 450,000 rounds per minute, claim scientists (news.google.com)
263. 美国航空公司乘客在迈阿密机场巴勒斯坦西瓜胸针徽章纠纷中指责空乘人员反犹太主义 - paddleyourownkanoo.com American Airlines Passenger Accuses Flight Attendants of Antisemitism in Palestine Watermelon Pin Badge Dispute at Miami Airport (news.google.com)
264. 据《环球报》报道,加拿大特鲁多很可能在本周辞职 - Bloomberg Canada’s Trudeau Is Likely to Resign This Week, Globe Reports (news.google.com)
265. 以色列国防军挫败胡塞武装深夜弹道导弹袭击,未拉响大范围警报 - The Times of Israel Late-night Houthi ballistic missile attack thwarted by IDF, without widespread sirens (news.google.com)
266. 委内瑞拉挑战者将与拜登会面,向特朗普施压 - Bloomberg Venezuela Challenger to Meet Biden, Putting Pressure on Trump (news.google.com)
267. 乌克兰战争简报:乌克兰发动新一轮攻势,俄罗斯库尔斯克地区战事激烈 - The Guardian Ukraine war briefing: fierce fighting reported in Russia’s Kursk region amid new Ukrainian offensive (news.google.com)
268. 韩国警方被要求执行对被弹劾总统的逮捕令 - Reuters South Korean police asked to execute arrest warrant for impeached president (news.google.com)
269. 刚果处决 102 名 "城市匪徒",官员称还将有 70 人被杀 - The Associated Press Congo executes 102 ‘urban bandits’ with 70 more set to be killed, officials say (news.google.com)
270. 据《环球邮报》报道,加拿大总理特鲁多最早将于周一宣布辞职 - Reuters Canada Canada PM Trudeau to announce resignation as early as Monday, Globe and Mail reports (news.google.com)
271. 停靠韩国,布林肯卷入政治危机 - Newsmax Blinken Wades into Political Crisis with Stop in South Korea (news.google.com)
272. 犹太乘客与佩戴亲巴勒斯坦胸针的美国航空公司乘务员对峙 - Ynetnews Jewish passenger confronts American Airlines attendant wearing pro-Palestinian pin (news.google.com)
273. 刚果处决 102 名 "城市匪徒",官员称还将有 70 人被杀 - Yahoo! Voices Congo executes 102 ‘urban bandits’ with 70 more set to be killed, officials say (news.google.com)
274. 巴西热爱足球的修女是世界上最年长的人,年近 117 岁 - CBS News Soccer-loving nun from Brazil is world''s oldest person at nearly 117 (news.google.com)
275. 黑山数千人举行抗议活动,要求因大规模枪击事件下台的高级安全官员 - The Associated Press Thousands protest in Montenegro to demand ouster of top security officials over mass shooting (news.google.com)
276. 埃隆-马斯克抨击英国改革派领袖奈杰尔-法拉奇,呼吁取而代之 - Business Insider Elon Musk turns on Reform UK leader Nigel Farage, calls for his replacement (news.google.com)
277. 以色列士兵在加沙服役后在国外面临越来越大的被捕风险 - CNN Israeli soldiers face growing risk of arrest abroad after Gaza service (news.google.com)
278. 约旦河谷发现距今 2100 年的硬币囤积,可追溯到犹太国王王朝 - Livescience.com 2,100-year-old coin hoard dating to dynasty of Jewish kings discovered in Jordan Valley (news.google.com)
279. 委内瑞拉反对派领导人埃德蒙多-冈萨雷斯开始国际之旅 - NPR Venezuela opposition leader Edmundo González embarks on international tour (news.google.com)
280. 以色列国防军披露如何发现哈马斯恐怖分子在加沙的 Adwan 医院活动 - All Israel News IDF reveals how it discovered Hamas terrorists operating from Adwan Hospital in Gaza (news.google.com)
281. 埃隆-马斯克呼吁奈杰尔-法拉奇辞职,称他 "不具备领导英国改革的能力 - The Times of India Elon Musk calls for Nigel Farage''s resignation, says he ''doesn''t have what it takes'' to lead Reform UK (news.google.com)
282. 奥地利联盟谈判破裂,极右翼自由党前景堪忧 - The New York Times Austria Coalition Talks Collapse, Raising Prospects for Far-Right Freedom Party (news.google.com)
283. 韩国抗议者冒着严寒要求总统下台 - POLITICO South Korean protesters brave cold to demand president’s ouster (news.google.com)
284. 删除视频美国航空公司旅客因 "反犹太 "别针与空乘对峙--警察介入并站在他一边 - View from the Wing ‘Delete The Video!’ American Airlines Traveler Confronts Flight Attendant Over ‘Antisemitic’ Pin—Police Intervene And Take His Side (news.google.com)
286. 助手称真主党领导人纳斯鲁拉去年在战争行动室被杀 - The Associated Press Hezbollah leader Nasrallah was killed last year inside the war operations room, aide says (news.google.com)
287. 埃隆-马斯克称英国首相基尔-斯塔默是 "国家耻辱",要求他辞职 - The Times of India Elon Musk calls UK PM Keir Starmer a ‘national embarrassment'', demands his resignation (news.google.com)
288. 奥地利保守派领导人对与极右翼会谈持开放态度 - DW (English) Austrian conservative leader open to talks with far right (news.google.com)
289. 在野生动物园 "狮吼声中 "发现失踪男孩,5 天后他还活着 - KATU Missing boy found alive in safari park ''amidst roaring lions'' after 5 days (news.google.com)
290. 哈马斯公布 19 岁人质利里-阿尔巴格(Liri Albag)的视频。父母这不是我们认识的莉莉 - The Times of Israel Hamas releases video of hostage Liri Albag, 19. Parents: ‘This is not the Liri we know’ (news.google.com)
291. 乌克兰向俄罗斯库尔斯克地区发动进攻 - The Associated Press Ukraine presses attacks in Russia’s Kursk region (news.google.com)
292. 以色列军队三天内在加沙杀害 200 人,医院不堪重负 - Al Jazeera English Israeli forces kill 200 in three days in Gaza, overwhelming hospitals (news.google.com)
293. 马斯克反击英国法拉奇,称其应辞去改革党领袖职务 - Reuters UK Musk turns on UK''s Farage and says he should quit as Reform party leader (news.google.com)
294. 台湾怀疑中国对海底电缆发动最新攻击 - POLITICO Europe Taiwan suspects China of latest attack on undersea cables (news.google.com)
295. 我拒绝廉价的死亡以色列在加沙杀害巴勒斯坦记者 - Al Jazeera English ‘I refuse a cheap death’: Israel kills Palestinian journalist in Gaza (news.google.com)
296. 官员承认人质谈判进展缓慢,但警告说障碍依然存在 - The Times of Israel Officials acknowledge slow progress in hostage talks, but warn obstacles remain (news.google.com)
297. 巴西一位热爱足球的修女以近 117 岁的高龄荣登世界最长寿者榜首 - ABC News A soccer-loving nun from Brazil tops list of world''s oldest living person at nearly 117 (news.google.com)
298. 在巴西就加沙问题征召士兵后,以色列警告部队关闭社交媒体 - Financial Times Israel warns troops off social media after Brazil seeks soldier over Gaza (news.google.com)
299. 俄罗斯装甲纵队袭击顿涅茨克州战略城市波克罗夫斯克附近的村庄 - Euromaidan Press Russian armored column storms village near strategic city of Pokrovsk in Donetsk Oblast (news.google.com)
300. 哈马斯批准以色列可能交换的人质名单:路透社 - CNN Hamas approves Israeli list of hostages for potential exchange: Reuters (news.google.com)